Interesting finding: Escaping works if data is quoted but not otherwise.

From: "Jain, Nishit" <<>>
Date: Thursday, October 27, 2016 at 10:54 AM
To: "<>" 
Subject: CSV escaping not working

I am using spark-core version 2.0.1 with Scala 2.11. I have simple code to read 
a csv file which has \ escapes.

val myDA =

As per documentation \ is default escape for csv reader. But it does not work. 
Spark is reading \ as part of my data. For Ex: City column in csv file is north 
rocks\,au . I am expecting city column should read in code as northrocks,au. 
But instead spark reads it as northrocks\ and moves au to next column.

I have tried following but did not work:

  *   Explicitly defined escape .option("escape",”\\")
  *   Changed escape to | or : in file and in code
  *   I have tried using spark-csv library

Any one facing same issue? Am I missing something?


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