Hi Ajay,

I was able to resolve it by adding yarn user principal. here is complete

  def main(args: Array[String]) {
    // create Spark context with Spark configuration
    val cmdLine = Parse.commandLine(args)
    val configFile = cmdLine.getOptionValue("c")
    val propertyConfiguration = new PropertyConfiguration()
    val props = propertyConfiguration.get(configFile)
   // val
    val fs=com.yourcompany.telematics.fs.FileSystem getHdfsFileSystem props;
    var sparkConfig = propertyConfiguration.initConfiguration()
    val sc = new SparkContext(sparkConfig)

    System.setProperty("sun.security.krb5.debug", "true")
    configuration.set("hadoop.security.authentication", "Kerberos");
    val hadoopConf="C:\\devtools\\hadoop\\hadoop-2.2.0\\hadoop-2.2.0\\conf"

    configuration.addResource(new Path(hadoopConf + "core-site.xml"));
    configuration.addResource(new Path(hadoopConf + "hdfs-site.xml"));
    configuration.addResource(new Path(hadoopConf + "mapred-site.xml"));
    configuration.addResource(new Path(hadoopConf + "yarn-site.xml"));
    configuration.addResource(new Path(hadoopConf + "hadoop-policy.xml"));
    configuration.set("hadoop.security.authentication", "kerberos");

    // get threshold
   // val threshold = args(1).toInt

    // read in text file and split each document into words
    val lineRdd =
    val tokenized=lineRdd.flatMap(_.split(" "))
//    System.out.println(tokenized.collect().mkString(", "))
    // count the occurrence of each word
    val wordCounts = tokenized.map((_, 1)).reduceByKey(_ + _)

    // filter out words with fewer than threshold occurrences
    //val filtered = wordCounts.filter(_._2 >= threshold)

    // count characters
    //val charCounts = filtered.flatMap(_._1.toCharArray).map((_,
1)).reduceByKey(_ + _)

    System.out.println(wordCounts.collect().mkString(", "))


On Wed, Nov 9, 2016 at 7:44 PM, Ajay Chander <itsche...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Everyone,
> I am still trying to figure this one out. I am stuck with this error 
> "java.io.IOException:
> Can't get Master Kerberos principal for use as renewer ". Below is my code.
> Can any of you please provide any insights on this? Thanks for your time.
> import java.io.{BufferedInputStream, File, FileInputStream}
> import java.net.URI
> import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem
> import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
> import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path
> import org.apache.hadoop.io.IOUtils
> import org.apache.hadoop.security.UserGroupInformation
> import org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkHadoopUtil
> import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext}
> object SparkHdfs {
>   def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
>     System.setProperty("java.security.krb5.conf", new 
> File("src\\main\\files\\krb5.conf").getAbsolutePath )
>     System.setProperty("sun.security.krb5.debug", "true")
>     val sparkConf = new SparkConf().setAppName("SparkHdfs").setMaster("local")
>     val sc = new SparkContext(sparkConf)
> //    Loading remote cluster configurations
>     sc.hadoopConfiguration.addResource(new 
> File("src\\main\\files\\core-site.xml").getAbsolutePath )
>     sc.hadoopConfiguration.addResource(new 
> File("src\\main\\files\\hdfs-site.xml").getAbsolutePath )
>     sc.hadoopConfiguration.addResource(new 
> File("src\\main\\files\\mapred-site.xml").getAbsolutePath )
>     sc.hadoopConfiguration.addResource(new 
> File("src\\main\\files\\yarn-site.xml").getAbsolutePath )
>     sc.hadoopConfiguration.addResource(new 
> File("src\\main\\files\\ssl-client.xml").getAbsolutePath )
>     sc.hadoopConfiguration.addResource(new 
> File("src\\main\\files\\topology.map").getAbsolutePath )
>     val conf = new Configuration()
> //    Loading remote cluster configurations
>     conf.addResource(new Path(new 
> File("src\\main\\files\\core-site.xml").getAbsolutePath ))
>     conf.addResource(new Path(new 
> File("src\\main\\files\\hdfs-site.xml").getAbsolutePath ))
>     conf.addResource(new Path(new 
> File("src\\main\\files\\mapred-site.xml").getAbsolutePath ))
>     conf.addResource(new Path(new 
> File("src\\main\\files\\yarn-site.xml").getAbsolutePath ))
>     conf.addResource(new Path(new 
> File("src\\main\\files\\ssl-client.xml").getAbsolutePath ))
>     conf.addResource(new Path(new 
> File("src\\main\\files\\topology.map").getAbsolutePath ))
>     conf.set("hadoop.security.authentication", "Kerberos")
>     UserGroupInformation.setConfiguration(conf)
>     UserGroupInformation.loginUserFromKeytab("my...@internal.company.com",
>       new File("src\\main\\files\\myusr.keytab").getAbsolutePath )
>     //   
> SparkHadoopUtil.get.loginUserFromKeytab("tsad...@internal.imsglobal.com",
>     //      new File("src\\main\\files\\tsadusr.keytab").getAbsolutePath)
>     //    Getting this error: java.io.IOException: Can't get Master Kerberos 
> principal for use as renewer
> sc.textFile("hdfs://vm1.comp.com:8020/user/myusr/temp/file1").collect().foreach(println)
>     //    Getting this error: java.io.IOException: Can't get Master Kerberos 
> principal for use as renewer
>   }
> }
> On Mon, Nov 7, 2016 at 9:42 PM, Ajay Chander <itsche...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Did anyone use https://www.codatlas.com/githu
>> b.com/apache/spark/HEAD/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/
>> spark/deploy/SparkHadoopUtil.scala to interact with secured Hadoop from
>> Spark ?
>> Thanks,
>> Ajay
>> On Mon, Nov 7, 2016 at 4:37 PM, Ajay Chander <itsche...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Everyone,
>>> I am trying to develop a simple codebase on my machine to read data from
>>> secured Hadoop cluster. We have a development cluster which is secured
>>> through Kerberos and I want to run a Spark job from my IntelliJ to read
>>> some sample data from the cluster. Has anyone done this before ? Can you
>>> point me to some sample examples?
>>> I understand that, if we want to talk to secured cluster, we need to
>>> have keytab and principle. I tried using it through
>>> UserGroupInformation.loginUserFromKeytab and
>>> SparkHadoopUtil.get.loginUserFromKeytab but so far no luck.
>>> I have been trying to do this from quite a while ago. Please let me know
>>> if you need more info. Thanks
>>> Regards,
>>> Ajay

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