I'm simply pasting in the UDAF example from this page and getting errors
(basic EMR setup with Spark 2.0):

The imports appear to work, but then I see errors like "not found: type

If I run ":paste" and paste it in that way it does work, but I'm interested
in knowing why Ctrl-V doesn't.  What is happening under the hood which makes
it seem like the imports are working even though they aren't?  And is there
a way to fix this in general?

scala> import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.MutableAggregationBuffer
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.MutableAggregationBuffer

scala> import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.UserDefinedAggregateFunction
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.UserDefinedAggregateFunction

scala> import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
import org.apache.spark.sql.Row

scala> import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._


scala> class GeometricMean extends UserDefinedAggregateFunction {
     |   // This is the input fields for your aggregate function.
     |   override def inputSchema: org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType =
     |     StructType(StructField("value", DoubleType) :: Nil)
     |   // This is the internal fields you keep for computing your
     |   override def bufferSchema: StructType = StructType(
     |     StructField("count", LongType) ::
     |     StructField("product", DoubleType) :: Nil
     |   )
     |   // This is the output type of your aggregatation function.
     |   override def dataType: DataType = DoubleType
     |   override def deterministic: Boolean = true
     |   // This is the initial value for your buffer schema.
     |   override def initialize(buffer: MutableAggregationBuffer): Unit = {
     |     buffer(0) = 0L
     |     buffer(1) = 1.0
     |   }
     |   // This is how to update your buffer schema given an input.
     |   override def update(buffer: MutableAggregationBuffer, input: Row):
Unit = {
     |     buffer(0) = buffer.getAs[Long](0) + 1
     |     buffer(1) = buffer.getAs[Double](1) * input.getAs[Double](0)
     |   }
     |   // This is how to merge two objects with the bufferSchema type.
     |   override def merge(buffer1: MutableAggregationBuffer, buffer2:
Row): Unit = {
     |     buffer1(0) = buffer1.getAs[Long](0) + buffer2.getAs[Long](0)
     |     buffer1(1) = buffer1.getAs[Double](1) * buffer2.getAs[Double](1)
     |   }
     |   // This is where you output the final value, given the final value
of your bufferSchema.
     |   override def evaluate(buffer: Row): Any = {
     |     math.pow(buffer.getDouble(1), 1.toDouble / buffer.getLong(0))
     |   }
     | }
<console>:11: error: not found: type UserDefinedAggregateFunction
       class GeometricMean extends UserDefinedAggregateFunction {
<console>:14: error: not found: value StructType
           StructType(StructField("value", DoubleType) :: Nil)
<console>:14: error: not found: value StructField
           StructType(StructField("value", DoubleType) :: Nil)
<console>:14: error: not found: value DoubleType
           StructType(StructField("value", DoubleType) :: Nil)
<console>:17: error: not found: type StructType
         override def bufferSchema: StructType = StructType(
<console>:17: error: not found: value StructType
         override def bufferSchema: StructType = StructType(
<console>:18: error: not found: value StructField
           StructField("count", LongType) ::
<console>:18: error: not found: value LongType
           StructField("count", LongType) ::
<console>:19: error: not found: value StructField
           StructField("product", DoubleType) :: Nil
<console>:19: error: not found: value DoubleType
           StructField("product", DoubleType) :: Nil
<console>:23: error: not found: type DataType
         override def dataType: DataType = DoubleType
<console>:23: error: not found: value DoubleType
         override def dataType: DataType = DoubleType
<console>:28: error: not found: type MutableAggregationBuffer
         override def initialize(buffer: MutableAggregationBuffer): Unit = {
<console>:34: error: not found: type MutableAggregationBuffer
         override def update(buffer: MutableAggregationBuffer, input: Row):
Unit = {
<console>:34: error: not found: type Row
         override def update(buffer: MutableAggregationBuffer, input: Row):
Unit = {
<console>:40: error: not found: type MutableAggregationBuffer
         override def merge(buffer1: MutableAggregationBuffer, buffer2:
Row): Unit = {
<console>:40: error: not found: type Row
         override def merge(buffer1: MutableAggregationBuffer, buffer2:
Row): Unit = {
<console>:46: error: not found: type Row
         override def evaluate(buffer: Row): Any = {

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