If your query plan has "Project" in it, there is a bug in Spark preventing 
"broadcast" hint working in pre-2.0 release.


Unfortunately, there is no port fix in 1.x.


From: Anton Okolnychyi <anton.okolnyc...@gmail.com>
Sent: Saturday, November 26, 2016 4:05 PM
To: Swapnil Shinde
Cc: Benyi Wang; user@spark.apache.org
Subject: Re: Dataframe broadcast join hint not working

Hi guys,

I also experienced a situation when Spark 1.6.2 ignored my hint to do a 
broadcast join (i.e. broadcast(df)) with a small dataset. However, this 
happened only in 1 of 3 cases. Setting the 
"spark.sql.autoBroadcastJoinThreshold" property did not have any impact as 
well. All 3 cases work fine in Spark 2.0.

Is there any chance that Spark can neglect manually specified broadcast 
operation? In other words, is Spark forced to perform a broadcast if one 
specifies "df1.join(broadcast(df2), ...)"?

Best regards,

2016-11-26 21:04 GMT+01:00 Swapnil Shinde 
I am using Spark 1.6.3 and below is the real plan (a,b,c in above were just for 
illustration purpose)

== Physical Plan ==
Project [ltt#3800 AS ltt#3814,CASE WHEN isnull(etv_demo_id#3813) THEN 
mr_demo_id#3801 ELSE etv_demo_id#3813 AS etv_demo_id#3815]
+- SortMergeOuterJoin [mr_demoname#3802,mr_demo_id#3801], 
[mr_demoname#3810,mr_demo_id#3811], LeftOuter, None
   :- Sort [mr_demoname#3802 ASC,mr_demo_id#3801 ASC], false, 0
   :  +- TungstenExchange 
hashpartitioning(mr_demoname#3802,mr_demo_id#3801,200), None
   :     +- Project [_1#3797 AS ltt#3800,_2#3798 AS mr_demo_id#3801,_3#3799 AS 
   :        +- Scan ExistingRDD[_1#3797,_2#3798,_3#3799]
   +- Sort [mr_demoname#3810 ASC,mr_demo_id#3811 ASC], false, 0
      +- TungstenExchange 
hashpartitioning(mr_demoname#3810,mr_demo_id#3811,200), None
         +- Project [mr_demoname#3810,mr_demo_id#3811,etv_demo_id#3813]
            +- Project [demogroup#3803 AS mr_demoname#3810,demovalue#3804 AS 
mr_demo_id#3811,demoname#3805 AS mr_demo_value#3812,demovalue_etv_map#3806 AS 
               +- Filter ((map_type#3809 = master_roster_to_etv) && NOT 
(demogroup#3803 = gender_age_id))
                  +- Scan 


On Sat, Nov 26, 2016 at 2:32 PM, Benyi Wang 
<bewang.t...@gmail.com<mailto:bewang.t...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Could you post the result of explain `c.explain`? If it is broadcast join, you 
will see it in explain.

On Sat, Nov 26, 2016 at 10:51 AM, Swapnil Shinde 
<swapnilushi...@gmail.com<mailto:swapnilushi...@gmail.com>> wrote:
    I am trying a broadcast join on dataframes but it is still doing 
SortMergeJoin. I even try setting spark.sql.autoBroadcastJoinThreshold higher 
but still no luck.

Related piece of code-
          val c = a.join(braodcast(b), "id")

On a side note, if I do SizeEstimator.estimate(b) and it is really 
high(460956584 bytes) compared to data it contains. b has just 85 rows and 
around 4964 bytes.
Help is very much appreciated!!


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