You don't need actors to do kafka=>spark processing=>kafka
Why do you need to notify the akka producer ? If you need to get back the
processed message in your producer, then implement an akka consummer in
your akka app and kafka offsets will do the job

2016-11-28 21:46 GMT+01:00 shyla deshpande <>:

> Thanks Daniel for the response.
> I am planning to use Spark streaming to do Event Processing. I will have
> akka actors sending messages to kafka. I process them using Spark streaming
> and as a result a new events will be generated. How do I notify the akka
> actor(Message producer)  that a new event has been generated?
> On Mon, Nov 28, 2016 at 9:51 AM, Daniel van der Ende <
>> wrote:
>> Well, I would say it depends on what you're trying to achieve. Right now
>> I don't know why you are considering using Akka. Could you please explain
>> your use case a bit?
>> In general, there is no single correct answer to your current question as
>> it's quite broad.
>> Daniel
>> On Mon, Nov 28, 2016 at 9:11 AM, shyla deshpande <
>>> wrote:
>>> My data pipeline is Kafka --> Spark Streaming --> Cassandra.
>>> Can someone please explain me when would I need to wrap akka around the
>>> spark streaming app. My knowledge of akka and the actor system is poor.
>>> Please help!
>>> Thanks
>> --
>> Daniel

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