Hi Gerard,

have you tried running in yarn-client mode? If so, do you still get that
same error?


2016-12-05 12:49 GMT+00:00 Gerard Casey <gerardhughca...@gmail.com>:

> Edit. From here
> <http://www.cloudera.com/documentation/enterprise/latest/topics/sg_spark_auth.html>
>  I
> read that you can pass a `key tab` option to spark-submit. I thus tried
> *spark-submit --class "graphx_sp" --master yarn  *--keytab
> /path/to/keytab  *--deploy-mode cluster --executor-memory 13G
> --total-executor-cores 32 target/scala-2.10/graphx_sp_2.10-1.0.jar*
> However, the error persists
> Any ideas?
> Thanks
> Geroid
> On 5 Dec 2016, at 13:35, Gerard Casey <gerardhughca...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am using Spark with Kerberos authentication.
> I can run my code using `spark-shell` fine and I can also use
> `spark-submit` in local mode (e.g. —master local[16]). Both function as
> expected.
> local mode -
> *spark-submit --class "graphx_sp" --master local[16] --driver-memory 20G
> target/scala-2.10/graphx_sp_2.10-1.0.jar*
> I am now progressing to run in cluster mode using YARN.
> cluster mode with YARN -
> *spark-submit --class "graphx_sp" --master yarn --deploy-mode cluster
> --executor-memory 13G --total-executor-cores 32
> target/scala-2.10/graphx_sp_2.10-1.0.jar*
> However, this returns:
> *diagnostics: User class threw exception:
> org.apache.hadoop.security.AccessControlException: Authentication required*
> Before I run using spark-shell or on local mode in spark-submit I do the
> following kerberos setup:
> kinit -k -t ~/keytab -r 7d `whoami`
> Clearly, this setup is not extending to the YARN setup. How do I fix the
> Kerberos issue with YARN in cluster mode? Is this something which must be
> in my /src/main/scala/graphx_sp.scala file?
> Many thanks
> Geroid

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