To exclude firewall blocking the port,  I added a rule in windows firewall
to enable all inbound and outbound port 10000. I then tried telnet 10000 in putty and it
still doesn't work,

*Sincerely yours,*


On Mon, Jan 9, 2017 at 4:53 PM, Silvio Fiorito <> wrote:

> Also, meant to add the link to the docs:
> user-guide/faq/tableau.html
> *From: *Silvio Fiorito <>
> *Date: *Monday, January 9, 2017 at 2:59 PM
> *To: *Raymond Xie <>, user <>
> *Subject: *Re: How to connect Tableau to databricks spark?
> Hi Raymond,
> Are you using a Spark 2.0 or 1.6 cluster? With Spark 2.0 it’s just a
> matter of entering the hostname of your Databricks environment, the HTTP
> path from the cluster page, and your Databricks credentials.
> Thanks,
> Silvio
> *From: *Raymond Xie <>
> *Date: *Sunday, January 8, 2017 at 10:30 PM
> *To: *user <>
> *Subject: *How to connect Tableau to databricks spark?
> I want to do some data analytics work by leveraging Databricks spark
> platform and connect my Tableau desktop to it for data visualization.
> Does anyone ever make it? I've trying to follow the instruction below but
> not successful?
> guide/01%20Databricks%20Overview/14%20Third%20Party%
> 20Integrations/01%20Setup%20JDBC%20or%20ODBC.html
> I got an error message in Tableau's attempt to connect:
> Unable to connect to the server "
>". Check that the server is running and that you
> have access privileges to the requested database.
> "" is the hostname of a
> EC2 instance I just created on AWS, I may have some missing there though as
> I am new to AWS.
> I am not sure that is related to account issue, I was using my Databricks
> account in Tableau to connect it.
> Thank you very much. Any clue is appreciated.
> *------------------------------------------------*
> *Sincerely yours,*
> *Raymond*

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