
My spark streaming app that reads kafka topics and prints the DStream works
fine on my laptop, but on AWS cluster it produces no output and no errors.

Please help me debug.

I am using Spark 2.0.2 and kafka-0-10


The following is the output of the spark streaming app...

17/01/14 06:22:41 WARN NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop
library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where
17/01/14 06:22:43 WARN Checkpoint: Checkpoint directory check1 does not exist
Creating new context
17/01/14 06:22:45 WARN SparkContext: Use an existing SparkContext,
some configuration may not take effect.
17/01/14 06:22:45 WARN KafkaUtils: overriding enable.auto.commit to
false for executor
17/01/14 06:22:45 WARN KafkaUtils: overriding auto.offset.reset to
none for executor
17/01/14 06:22:45 WARN KafkaUtils: overriding executor group.id to
17/01/14 06:22:45 WARN KafkaUtils: overriding receive.buffer.bytes to
65536 see KAFKA-3135

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