So what was the answer?

Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
-------- Original message --------From: Andrew Holway 
<> Date: 1/15/17  11:37 AM  (GMT-05:00) To: Marco 
Mistroni <> Cc: Neil Jonkers <>, User 
<> Subject: Re: Running Spark on EMR 
Darn. I didn't respond to the list. Sorry.

On Sun, Jan 15, 2017 at 5:29 PM, Marco Mistroni <> wrote:
thanks Neil. I followed original suggestion from Andrw and everything is 
working fine nowkr
On Sun, Jan 15, 2017 at 4:27 PM, Neil Jonkers <> wrote:
Can you drop the url:
The url is used when running Spark in standalone mode.

-------- Original message --------From: Marco Mistroni  Date:15/01/2017  16:34  
(GMT+02:00) To: User  Subject: Running Spark on EMR 
hi all could anyone assist here?i am trying to run spark 2.0.0 on an EMR 
cluster,but i am having issues connecting to the master nodeSo, below is a 
snippet of what i am doing

sc = SparkSession.builder.master(sparkHost).appName("DataProcess").getOrCreate()

sparkHost is passed as input parameter. that was thought so that i can run the 
script locallyon my spark local instance as well as submitting scripts on any 
cluster i want

Now i have 1 - setup a cluster on EMR. 2 - connected to masternode3  - launch 
the command spark-submit spark://master:7077
But that results in an connection refused exceptionThen i have tried to remove 
the .master call above and launch the script with the following command
spark-submit --master spark://master:7077  but still i am 
gettingconnectionREfused exception

I am using Spark 2.0.0 , could anyone advise on how shall i build the spark 
session and how can i submit a pythjon script to the cluster?
kr marco  

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