Thank you for your suggestion. As I know If I set to bigger number I won’t get 
the output number as one file, right? My task is design to combine all that 
small files in one day to one big parquet file. THX again.

> On 2017年1月20日, at 18:23, Pavel Plotnikov <pavel.plotni...@team.wrike.com> 
> wrote:
> Hi Yang,
> i have faced with the same problem on Mesos and to circumvent this issue i am 
> usually increase partition number. On last step in your code you reduce 
> number of partitions to 1, try to set bigger value, may be it solve this 
> problem.
> Cheers,
> Pavel
> On Fri, Jan 20, 2017 at 12:35 PM Yang Cao <cybea...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:cybea...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am running a spark application on YARN-client mode with 6 executors (each 4 
> cores and executor memory = 6G and Overhead = 4G, spark version: 1.6.3 / 
> 2.1.0). I find that my executor memory keeps increasing until get killed by 
> node manager; and give out the info that tells me to boost 
> spark.yarn.excutor.memoryOverhead. I know that this param mainly control the 
> size of memory allocated off-heap. But I don’t know when and how the spark 
> engine will use this part of memory. Also increase that part of memory not 
> always solve my problem. sometimes works sometimes not. It trends to be 
> useless when the input data is large.
> FYI, my app’s logic is quite simple. It means to combine the small files 
> generated in one single day (one directory one day) into a single one and 
> write back to hdfs. Here is the core code:
> val df = spark.read.parquet(originpath).filter(s"m = ${ts.month} AND d = 
> ${ts.day}").coalesce(400)
> val dropDF = 
> df.drop("hh").drop("mm").drop("mode").drop("y").drop("m").drop("d")
> dropDF.repartition(1).write.mode(SaveMode.ErrorIfExists).parquet(targetpath)
> The source file may have hundreds to thousands level’s partition. And the 
> total parquet file is around 1to 5 gigs. Also I find that in the step that 
> shuffle reading data from different machines, The size of shuffle read is 
> about 4 times larger than the input size, Which is wired or some principle I 
> don’t know. 
> Anyway, I have done some search myself for this problem. Some article said 
> that it’s on the direct buffer memory (I don’t set myself). Some article said 
> that people solve it with more frequent full GC. Also I find one people on SO 
> with very similar situation: 
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/31646679/ever-increasing-physical-memory-for-a-spark-application-in-yarn
> <http://stackoverflow.com/questions/31646679/ever-increasing-physical-memory-for-a-spark-application-in-yarn>
> This guy claimed that it’s a bug with parquet but comment questioned him. 
> People in this mail list may also receive an email hours ago from blondowski 
> who described this problem while writing json: 
> http://apache-spark-user-list.1001560.n3.nabble.com/Executors-running-out-of-memory-tt28325.html#none
> <http://apache-spark-user-list.1001560.n3.nabble.com/Executors-running-out-of-memory-tt28325.html#none>
> So it looks like to be common question for different output format. I hope 
> someone with experience about this problem could make an explanation about 
> this issue. Why this happen and what is a reliable way to solve this problem. 
> Best,

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