How many spark masters and zookeeper servers do I need to tolerate one
failure in one DC that has two availability zones ? Note: The one failure
that I want to tolerate can be in either availability zone.

Here is my understanding so far. please correct me If I am wrong?

for Zookeeper I would need 2F+1 server to tolerate F failures so in my case
that would be 3 however If one of the availability zone is down then I
would be left with only one zookeeper server (assuming the AZ that has two
zookeeper servers goes down) therefore I would need at least 4 zookeeper
servers two on each availability zone to tolerate a failure of one node and
to tolerate a failure of one availability zone.

And the number of spark master(standalone mode) would be 2. one on each
availability zone such that if one of the spark master in one of
availability zones or the entire availability zone goes down  the zookeeper
ensemble will be ale to elect the spark master.

Is this correct so far?


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