On Mon, Jan 30, 2017 at 9:47 AM, Ji Yan <ji...@drive.ai> wrote:

> Tasks begin scheduling as soon as the first executor comes up
> Thanks all for the clarification. Is this the default behavior of Spark on
> Mesos today? I think this is what we are looking for because sometimes a
> job can take up lots of resources and later jobs could not get all the
> resources that it asks for. If a Spark job starts with only a subset of
> resources that it asks for, does it know to expand its resources later when
> more resources become available?


> Launch each executor with at least 1GB RAM, but if mesos offers 2GB at
>> some moment, then launch an executor with 2GB RAM
> This is less useful in our use case. But I am also quite interested in
> cases in which this could be helpful. I think this will also help with
> overall resource utilization on the cluster if when another job starts up
> that has a hard requirement on resources, the extra resources to the first
> job can be flexibly re-allocated to the second job.
> On Sat, Jan 28, 2017 at 2:32 PM, Michael Gummelt <mgumm...@mesosphere.io>
> wrote:
>> We've talked about that, but it hasn't become a priority because we
>> haven't had a driving use case.  If anyone has a good argument for
>> "variable" resource allocation like this, please let me know.
>> On Sat, Jan 28, 2017 at 9:17 AM, Shuai Lin <linshuai2...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> An alternative behavior is to launch the job with the best resource
>>>> offer Mesos is able to give
>>> Michael has just made an excellent explanation about dynamic allocation
>>> support in mesos. But IIUC, what you want to achieve is something like
>>> (using RAM as an example) : "Launch each executor with at least 1GB RAM,
>>> but if mesos offers 2GB at some moment, then launch an executor with 2GB
>>> RAM".
>>> I wonder what's benefit of that? To reduce the "resource fragmentation"?
>>> Anyway, that is not supported at this moment. In all the supported
>>> cluster managers of spark (mesos, yarn, standalone, and the up-to-coming
>>> spark on kubernetes), you have to specify the cores and memory of each
>>> executor.
>>> It may not be supported in the future, because only mesos has the
>>> concepts of offers because of its two-level scheduling model.
>>> On Sat, Jan 28, 2017 at 1:35 AM, Ji Yan <ji...@drive.ai> wrote:
>>>> Dear Spark Users,
>>>> Currently is there a way to dynamically allocate resources to Spark on
>>>> Mesos? Within Spark we can specify the CPU cores, memory before running
>>>> job. The way I understand is that the Spark job will not run if the CPU/Mem
>>>> requirement is not met. This may lead to decrease in overall utilization of
>>>> the cluster. An alternative behavior is to launch the job with the best
>>>> resource offer Mesos is able to give. Is this possible with the current
>>>> implementation?
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Ji
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>> --
>> Michael Gummelt
>> Software Engineer
>> Mesosphere
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Michael Gummelt
Software Engineer

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