
I'm trying to un-explode or denormalize a table like

|id |name|extra|data  |priority|
|1  |Fred|8    |value1|1       |
|1  |Fred|8    |value8|2       |
|1  |Fred|8    |value5|3       |
|2  |Amy |9    |value3|1       |
|2  |Amy |9    |value5|2       |

into something that looks like

|id |name|extra1|data1 |priority1|extra2|data2 |priority2|extra3|data3
|1  |Fred|8     |value1|1        |8     |value8|2        |8     |value5|3
|2  |Amy |9     |value3|1        |9     |value5|2        |null  |null
 |null     |

If I were going the other direction, I'd create a new column with an array
of structs, each with 'extra', 'data', and 'priority' fields and then
explode it.

Going from the more normalized view, though, I'm having a harder time.

I want to group or partition by (id, name) and order by priority, but after
that I can't figure out how to get multiple rows rotated into one.

Any ideas?

Here's the code to create the input table above:

import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
import org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._

val rowsRDD = sc.parallelize(Seq(
    Row(1, "Fred", 8, "value1", 1),
    Row(1, "Fred", 8, "value8", 2),
    Row(1, "Fred", 8, "value5", 3),
    Row(2, "Amy", 9, "value3", 1),
    Row(2, "Amy", 9, "value5", 2)))

val schema = StructType(Seq(
    StructField("id", IntegerType, nullable = true),
    StructField("name", StringType, nullable = true),
    StructField("extra", IntegerType, nullable = true),
    StructField("data", StringType, nullable = true),
    StructField("priority", IntegerType, nullable = true)))

val data = sqlContext.createDataFrame(rowsRDD, schema)

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