Have you tried passing --executor-cores or –total-executor-cores as arguments, , depending on the spark version?
From: kant kodali [mailto:kanth...@gmail.com] Sent: Friday, February 17, 2017 5:03 PM To: Alex Kozlov <ale...@gmail.com> Cc: user @spark <user@spark.apache.org> Subject: Re: question on SPARK_WORKER_CORES Standalone. On Fri, Feb 17, 2017 at 5:01 PM, Alex Kozlov <ale...@gmail.com<mailto:ale...@gmail.com>> wrote: What Spark mode are you running the program in? On Fri, Feb 17, 2017 at 4:55 PM, kant kodali <kanth...@gmail.com<mailto:kanth...@gmail.com>> wrote: when I submit a job using spark shell I get something like this [Stage 0:========> (36814 + 4) / 220129] Now all I want is I want to increase number of parallel tasks running from 4 to 16 so I exported an env variable called SPARK_WORKER_CORES=16 in conf/spark-env.sh. I though that should do it but it doesn't. It still shows me 4. any idea? Thanks much! -- Alex Kozlov (408) 507-4987<tel:(408)%20507-4987> (650) 887-2135<tel:(650)%20887-2135> efax ale...@gmail.com<mailto:ale...@gmail.com>