Thanks for the advice Sam. I will look into implementing a structured streaming 

> On Feb 19, 2017, at 11:54 AM, Sam Elamin <> wrote:
> HI Niel,
> My advice would be to write a structured streaming connector. The new 
> structured streaming APIs were brought in to handle exactly the issues you 
> describe
> See this blog
> There isnt a structured streaming connector as of yet, but you can easily 
> write one that uses the underlying batch methods to read/write to Kinesis
> Have a look at how I wrote my bigquery connector here. Plus the best thing is 
> we get a new connector to a highly used datasource/sink
> Hope that helps
> Regards
> Sam
>> On Sun, Feb 19, 2017 at 5:53 PM, Neil Maheshwari 
>> <> wrote:
>> Thanks for your response Ayan. 
>> This could be an option. One complication I see with that approach is that I 
>> do not want to miss any records that are between the data we have batched to 
>> the data store and the checkpoint. I would still need a mechanism for 
>> recording the sequence number of the last time the data was batched, so I 
>> could start the streaming application after that sequence number. 
>> A similar approach could be to batch our data periodically, recording the 
>> last sequence number of the batch. Then, fetch data from Kinesis using the 
>> low level API to read data from the latest sequence number of the batched 
>> data up until the sequence number of the latest checkpoint from our spark 
>> app. I could merge batched dataset and the dataset fetched from Kinesis’s 
>> lower level API, and use that dataset as an RDD to prep the job.
>>> On Feb 19, 2017, at 3:12 AM, ayan guha <> wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> AFAIK, Kinesis does not provide any mechanism other than check point to 
>>> restart. That makes sense as it makes it so generic. 
>>> Question: why cant you warm up your data from a data store? Say every 30 
>>> mins you run a job to aggregate your data to a data store for that hour. 
>>> When you restart the streaming app it would read from dynamo check point, 
>>> but it would also preps an initial rdd from data store?
>>> Best
>>> Ayan
>>>> On Sun, 19 Feb 2017 at 8:29 pm, Neil Maheshwari 
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>> Hello, 
>>>> I am building a Spark streaming application that ingests data from an 
>>>> Amazon Kinesis stream. My application keeps track of the minimum price 
>>>> over a window for groups of similar tickets. When I deploy the 
>>>> application, I would like it to start processing at the start of the 
>>>> previous hours data. This will warm up the state of the application and 
>>>> allow us to deploy our application faster. For example, if I start the 
>>>> application at 3 PM, I would like to process the data retained by Kinesis 
>>>> from 2PM to 3PM, and then continue receiving data going forward. Spark 
>>>> Streaming’s Kinesis receiver, which relies on the Amazon Kinesis Client 
>>>> Library, seems to give me three options for choosing where to read from 
>>>> the stream: 
>>>> read from the latest checkpointed sequence number in Dynamo
>>>> start from the oldest record in the stream (TRIM_HORIZON shard iterator 
>>>> type)
>>>> start from the most recent record in the stream (LATEST shard iterator 
>>>> type)  
>>>> Do you have any suggestions on how we could start our application at a 
>>>> specific timestamp or sequence number in the Kinesis stream? Some ideas I 
>>>> had were: 
>>>> Create a KCL application that fetches the previous hour data and writes it 
>>>> to HDFS. We can create an RDD from that dataset and initialize our Spark 
>>>> Streaming job with it. The spark streaming job’s Kinesis receiver can have 
>>>> the same name as the initial KCL application, and use that applications 
>>>> checkpoint as the starting point. We’re writing our spark jobs in Python, 
>>>> so this would require launching the java MultiLang daemon, or writing that 
>>>> portion of the application in Java/Scala. 
>>>> Before the Spark streaming application starts, we could fetch a shard 
>>>> iterator using the AT_TIMESTAMP shard iterator type. We could record the 
>>>> sequence number of the first record returned by this iterator, and create 
>>>> an entry in Dynamo for our application for that sequence number. Our 
>>>> Kinesis receiver would pick up from this checkpoint. It makes me a little 
>>>> nervous that we would be faking Kinesis Client Library's protocol by 
>>>> writing a checkpoint into Dynamo
>>>> Thanks in advance!
>>>> Neil
>>> -- 
>>> Best Regards,
>>> Ayan Guha

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