Hi everyone,

I am working on a dataset like this
user_id         url 
1                    lao.com/buy
2                    bao.com/sell
2                    cao.com/market
1                    lao.com/sell
3                    vui.com/sell

I have to find all user_id with url not contain sell. Which means I need to 
query all user_id contains sell and put it into a set then do another query to 
find all user_id not in that set.
SELECT user_id 
FROM data
WHERE user_id not in ( SELECT user_id FROM data WHERE url like ‘%sell%’;

My data is about 20 million records and it’s growing. When I tried in zeppelin 
I need to set spark.sql.crossJoin.enabled = true
Then I ran the query and the driver got extremely high CPU percentage and the 
process get stuck and I need to kill it.
I am running at client mode that submit to a Mesos cluster.

I am using Spark 2.0.2 and my data store in HDFS with parquet format.

Any advices for me in this situation?

Thank you in advance!.


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