Is anybody using Spark streaming/SQL to load a relational data warehouse in 
real time? There isn't a lot of information on this use case out there. When I 
google real time data warehouse load, nothing I find is up to date. It's all 
turn of the century stuff and doesn't take into account advancements in 
database technology. Additionally, whenever I try to learn spark, it's always 
the same thing. Play with twitter data never structured data. All the CEP uses 
cases are about data science.

I'd like to use Spark to load Greenplumb in real time. Intuitively, this should 
be possible. I was thinking Spark Streaming with Spark SQL along with a ORM 
should do it. Am I off base with this? Is the reason why there are no examples 
is because there is a better way to do what I want?

Adaryl "Bob" Wakefield, MBA
Mass Street Analytics, LLC
Twitter: @BobLovesData

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