For some reason my pasted screenshots were removed when I sent the email
(at least that's how it appeared on my end). Repasting as text below.

The sequence you are referring to represents the list of column names to
fill. I am asking about filling a column which is of type list with an
empty list.

Here is a quick example of what I am doing:

val spark = 
import spark.implicits._

val list = List(IntPair(key = "a", value = 1),
                IntPair(key = "a", value = 2),
                IntPair(key = "b", value = 2))
val df = spark.createDataset(list).toDF
val collectList = df.groupBy($"key").agg(collect_list("value") as "listylist")
collectList.printSchema(), Seq("listyList"))

The output of the show and printSchema for the collectList df:

|  b|      [2]|
|  a|   [1, 2]|

 |-- key: string (nullable = true)
 |-- listylist: array (nullable = true)
 |    |-- element: integer (containsNull = true)

So, the last line which doesn't compile is what I would want to do (after
outer joining of course, it's not necessary except in that particular case
where a null could be populated in that field).


On Tue, Apr 11, 2017 at 9:50 AM Sumona Routh <> wrote:

> The sequence you are referring to represents the list of column names to
> fill. I am asking about filling a column which is of type list with an
> empty list.
> Here is a quick example of what I am doing:
> The output of the show and printSchema for the collectList df:
> So, the last line which doesn't compile is what I would want to do (after
> outer joining of course, it's not necessary except in that particular case
> where a null could be populated in that field).
> Thanks,
> Sumona
> On Tue, Apr 11, 2017 at 2:02 AM Didac Gil <> wrote:
> It does support it, at least in 2.0.2 as I am running:
> Here one example:
> val parsedLines = stream_of_logs
>   .map(line => p.parseRecord_viaCSVParser(line))
>   .join(appsCateg,$"Application"===$"name","left_outer")
>   .drop("id")
>   .na.fill(0, Seq(“numeric_field1”,"numeric_field2"))
>   .na.fill("", Seq(
>        “text_field1","text_field2","text_field3”))
> Notice that you have to differentiate those fields that are meant to be
> filled with an int, from those that require a different value, an empty
> string in my case.
> On 11 Apr 2017, at 03:18, Sumona Routh <> wrote:
> Hi there,
> I have two dataframes that each have some columns which are of list type
> (array<int> generated by the collect_list function actually).
> I need to outer join these two dfs, however by nature of an outer join I
> am sometimes left with null values. Normally I would use,
> however it appears the fill function doesn't support this data type.
> Can anyone recommend an alternative? I have also been playing around with
> coalesce in a sql expression, but I'm not having any luck here either.
> Obviously, I can do a null check on the fields downstream, however it is
> not in the spirit of scala to pass around nulls, so I wanted to see if I
> was missing another approach first.
> Thanks,
> Sumona
> I am using Spark 2.0.2
> Didac Gil de la Iglesia
> PhD in Computer Science
> Spain:     +34 696 285 544 <+34%20696%2028%2055%2044>
> Sweden: +46 (0)730229737 <+46%2073%20022%2097%2037>
> Skype:
> On 11 Apr 2017, at 03:18, Sumona Routh <> wrote:
> Hi there,
> I have two dataframes that each have some columns which are of list type
> (array<int> generated by the collect_list function actually).
> I need to outer join these two dfs, however by nature of an outer join I
> am sometimes left with null values. Normally I would use,
> however it appears the fill function doesn't support this data type.
> Can anyone recommend an alternative? I have also been playing around with
> coalesce in a sql expression, but I'm not having any luck here either.
> Obviously, I can do a null check on the fields downstream, however it is
> not in the spirit of scala to pass around nulls, so I wanted to see if I
> was missing another approach first.
> Thanks,
> Sumona
> I am using Spark 2.0.2
> Didac Gil de la Iglesia
> PhD in Computer Science
> Spain:     +34 696 285 544 <+34%20696%2028%2055%2044>
> Sweden: +46 (0)730229737 <+46%2073%20022%2097%2037>
> Skype:

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