Spark running with standalone cluster manager currently doesn't support
accessing security Hadoop. Basically the problem is that standalone mode
Spark doesn't have the facility to distribute delegation tokens.

Currently only Spark on YARN or local mode supports security Hadoop.


On Fri, Jun 23, 2017 at 5:10 PM, Mu Kong <> wrote:

> Hi, all!
> I was trying to read from a Kerberosed hadoop cluster from a standalone
> spark cluster.
> Right now, I encountered some authentication issues with Kerberos:
> Failed on local exception: 
> Client cannot authenticate 
> via:[TOKEN, KERBEROS]; Host Details : local host is: "XXXXXXXXXXXX"; 
> destination host is: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX;
> I checked with klist, and principle/realm is correct.
> I also used hdfs command line to poke HDFS from all the nodes, and it
> worked.
> And if I submit job using local(client) mode, the job worked fine.
> I tried to put everything from hadoop/conf to spark/conf and hive/conf to
> spark/conf.
> Also tried edit spark/conf/ to add SPARK_SUBMIT_OPTS/SPARK_
> export them in .bashrc as well.
> However, I'm still experiencing the same exception.
> Then I read some concerning posts about problems with
> kerberosed hadoop, some post like the following one:
> , which indicates that we can not access to kerberosed hdfs using
> standalone spark cluster.
> I'm using spark 2.1.1, is it still the case that we can't access
> kerberosed hdfs with 2.1.1?
> Thanks!
> Best regards,
> Mu

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