Thanks so much Yohann

I checked the Storage/Memory column in Executors status page. Well below where 
I wanted to be.
I will try the suggestion on smaller data sets.
I am also well within the Yarn limitations (128GB). In my last try I asked for 
48+32 (overhead). So somehow I am exceeding that or I should say Spark is 
exceeding since I am trusting to manage the memory I provided for it.
Is there anything in Shuffle Write Size, Shuffle Spill, or anything in the logs 
that I should be looking for to come up with the recommended memory size or 
partition count?


From: yohann jardin <>
Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2017 11:15:39 PM
To: jeff saremi;
Subject: Re: How to configure spark on Yarn cluster

Check the executor page of the Spark UI, to check if your storage level is 

Also, instead of starting with 100 TB of data, sample it, make it work, and 
grow it little by little until you reached 100 TB. This will validate the 
workflow and let you see how much data is shuffled, etc.

And just in case, check the limits you set on your Yarn queue. If you try to 
allocate more memory to your job than what is set on the queue, there might be 
cases of failure.
Though there are some limitations, it’s possible to allocate more ram to your 
job than available on your Yarn queue.

Yohann Jardin

Le 7/28/2017 à 8:03 AM, jeff saremi a écrit :

I have the simplest job which i'm running against 100TB of data. The job keeps 
failing with ExecutorLostFailure's on containers killed by Yarn for exceeding 
memory limits

I have varied the executor-memory from 32GB to 96GB, the 
spark.yarn.executor.memoryOverhead from 8192 to 36000 and similar changes to 
the number of cores, and driver size. It looks like nothing stops this error 
(running out of memory) from happening. Looking at metrics reported by Spark 
status page, is there anything I can use to configure my job properly? Is 
repartitioning more or less going to help at all? The current number of 
partitions is around 40,000 currently.

Here's the gist of the code:

val input = sc.textFile(path)

val t0 = => s.split("\t").map(a => ((a(0),a(1)), a)))


I have changed storagelevel from MEMORY_ONLY to MEMORY_AND_DISK to DISK_ONLY to 
no avail.

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