Did you try SparkContext.addSparkListener?

On Aug 3, 2017 1:54 AM, "Andrii Biletskyi"
<andrii.bilets...@yahoo.com.invalid> wrote:

> Hi all,
> What is the correct way to schedule multiple jobs inside foreachRDD method
> and importantly await on result to ensure those jobs have completed
> successfully?
> E.g.:
> kafkaDStream.foreachRDD{ rdd =>
> val rdd1 = rdd.map(...)
> val rdd2 = rdd1.map(...)
> val job1Future = Future{
> rdd1.saveToCassandra(...)
> }
> val job2Future = Future{
> rdd1.foreachPartition( iter => /* save to Kafka */)
> }
>       Await.result(
>       Future.sequence(job1Future, job2Future),
>       Duration.Inf)
>    // commit Kafka offsets
> }
> In this code I'm scheduling two actions in futures and awaiting them. I
> need to be sure when I commit Kafka offsets at the end of the batch
> processing that job1 and job2 have actually executed successfully. Does
> given approach provide these guarantees? I.e. in case one of the jobs fails
> the entire batch will be marked as failed too?
> Thanks,
> Andrii

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