
Though I think that this currently doesn't work with the console sink.

On Tue, Aug 15, 2017 at 9:40 AM, purna pradeep <>

> Hi,
>> I'm trying to restart a streaming query to refresh cached data frame
>> Where and how should I restart streaming query
> val sparkSes = SparkSession
>       .builder
>       .config("spark.master", "local")
>       .appName("StreamingCahcePoc")
>       .getOrCreate()
>     import sparkSes.implicits._
>     val dataDF = sparkSes.readStream
>       .schema(streamSchema)
>       .csv("testData")
>        val query = counts.writeStream
>       .outputMode("complete")
>       .format("console")
>       .start()
> query.awaittermination()

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