Yes you need to store the file at a location where it is equally
retrievable ("same path") for the master and all nodes in the cluster. A
simple solution (apart from a HDFS) that does not scale to well but might
be a OK with only 3 nodes like in your configuration is a network
accessible storage (a NAS or a shared folder for example).

hope this helps

On Fri, Sep 29, 2017 at 12:05 PM, Sathishkumar Manimoorthy <> wrote:

> Place it in HDFS and give the reference path in your code.
> Thanks,
> Sathish
> On Fri, Sep 29, 2017 at 3:31 PM, Gaurav1809 <>
> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I have multi node architecture of (1 master,2 workers) Spark cluster, the
>> job runs to read CSV file data and it works fine when run on local mode
>> (Local(*)). However, when the same job is ran in cluster mode
>> (Spark://HOST:PORT), it is not able to read it. I want to know how to
>> reference the files Or where to store them? Currently the CSV data file is
>> on master(from where the job is submitted).
>> Following code works fine in local mode but not in cluster mode.
>> val spark = SparkSession
>>       .builder()
>>       .appName("SampleFlightsApp")
>>       .master("spark://masterIP:7077") // change it to .master("local[*])
>> for local mode
>>       .getOrCreate()
>>     val flightDF =
>>     flightDF.printSchema()
>> Error: FileNotFoundException: File file:/home/gaurav/sampleflightdata
>> does
>> not exist
>> --
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