
During my aggregation I end up having following schema.

Row(Row(val1,val2), Row(val1,val2,val3...))

val values = Seq(
    (Row(10, 11), Row(10, 2, 11)),
    (Row(10, 11), Row(10, 2, 11)),
    (Row(20, 11), Row(10, 2, 11))

1st tuple is used to group the relevant records for aggregation. I have
used following to create dataset.

val s = StructType(Seq(
  StructField("x", IntegerType, true),
  StructField("y", IntegerType, true)
val s1 = StructType(Seq(
  StructField("u", IntegerType, true),
  StructField("v", IntegerType, true),
  StructField("z", IntegerType, true)

val ds = 

Is this correct way of representing this?

How do I create dataset and row encoder for such use case for doing
groupByKey on this?


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