I have a table, and I want to find the latest records in the table. The table 
has a column called instnc_id that is incremented everyday. So, I want to find 
the records that have the max instnc_id.

I am trying to do this using subqueries, but it gives me an error. For example, 
when I try this

from (select *, max(instnc_id) as max_inst_id FROM Stat_hist) where 

the error I get is

Caused by: org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: cannot resolve 
'`max_inst_id`' given input columns: [CR_RVKD_STAT_CD, ACCT_SFX_NUM, 
CLSD_REAS_CD, ACCT_ID, instnc_id, SCURT_FRD_STAT_CD]; line 1 pos 172;
CLSD_REAS_CD, scalar-subquery#298 [] AS max_inst_id#299]
:  +- 'Project [unresolvedalias('max('instnc_id), None)]
:     +- 'UnresolvedRelation `Stat_hist`
+- 'Filter (instnc_id#92 = 'max_inst_id)
   +- SubqueryAlias stat_hist
      +- Project [ACCT_ID#0, ACCT_SFX_NUM#1, CR_RVKD_STAT_CD#23, 
SCURT_FRD_STAT_CD#34, CLSD_REAS_CD#19, instnc_id#92]

I have tried various combinations but I keep getting into the same problem: It 
doesn’t recognize max_inst_id as a column.

The only thing that works is if I get max_inst_id in a dataframe and then inner 
join it with the original table

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