I am trying to create a custom structured streaming source and would like to 
know if there is any example or documentation on the steps involved.
I've looked at the some methods available in the SparkSession but these are 
internal to the sql package:
  private[sql] def internalCreateDataFrame(      catalystRows: 
RDD[InternalRow],      schema: StructType,      isStreaming: Boolean = false): 
DataFrame = {    // TODO: use MutableProjection when rowRDD is another 
DataFrame and the applied    // schema differs from the existing schema on any 
field data type.    val logicalPlan = LogicalRDD(      schema.toAttributes,     
 catalystRows,      isStreaming = isStreaming)(self)    Dataset.ofRows(self, 
logicalPlan)  } 
Please let me know where I can find the appropriate API or documentation.

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