There is a proposal to expose them. See SPARK-14151

From: Christopher Piggott <>
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2018 1:09:38 PM
Subject: Custom metrics sink

Just for fun, i want to make a stupid program that makes different frequency 
chimes as each worker becomes active.  That way you can 'hear' what the cluster 
is doing and how it's distributing work.

I thought to do this I would make a custom Sink, but the Sink and everything 
else in org.apache.spark.metrics.sink is private to spark.  What I was hoping 
to do was to just pick up the # of active workers in semi real time (once a 
second?) and have them send a UDP message somewhere... then each worker would 
be assigned to a different frequency chime.  It's just a toy, for fun.

How do you add a custom Sink when these classes don't seem to be exposed?


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