Assuming that the spark 2.X kernel (e.g. toree) were chosen for a given
jupyter notebook and there is a  Cell 3 that contains some Spark DataFrame
operations .. Then :

   - what is the relationship  does the %%spark  magic and the toree kernel?
   - how does the %%spark magic get applied to that other Cell 3 ?


2018-06-07 16:33 GMT-07:00 <>:

> We are pleased to announce release 0.19.0 of BeakerX <>,
> a collection of extensions and kernels for Jupyter and Jupyter Lab.
> BeakerX now features Scala+Spark integration including GUI configuration,
> status, progress, interrupt, and interactive tables.
> We are very interested in your feedback about what remains to be done.
> You may reach by github and gitter, as documented in the readme:
> Thanks, -Scott
> [image: spark.png]
> ​
> --
> <>
> @Scott_Draves <>

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