Is there a version of withColumn or withColumnRenamed that accept Column
instead of String? That way I can specify FQN in case when there is
duplicate column names.

I can Drop column based on Column type argument then why can't I rename
them based on same type argument.

Use case is, I have Dataframe with duplicate columns at end of the join.
Most of the time I drop duplicate but now I need to rename one of those
column. I can not do it because there is no API that . I can rename it
before the join but that is not preferred.

withColumn(colName: String, col: Column): DataFrame
Returns a new Dataset by adding a column or replacing the existing column
that has the same name.

withColumnRenamed(existingName: String, newName: String): DataFrame
Returns a new Dataset with a column renamed.

I think there should also be this one:

withColumnRenamed(existingName: *Column*, newName: *Column*): DataFrame
Returns a new Dataset with a column renamed.



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