Hi Chris,

Could you show the code you are using? When you mention "I like to use a
static datasource (JDBC) in the state function" do you refer to a DataFrame
from a JDBC source or an independent JDBC connection?

The key point to consider is that the flatMapGroupsWithState function must
be serializable. Its execution happens in the workers of a Spark job.

If you are using a JDBC connection, you need to make sure the connection is
made in the context of the function. JDBC connections are not serializable.
Likewise, Dataset/DataFrames only function in the driver where they are
defined. They are bound to the Spark Session in the driver and it does not
make sense to access them in a remote executor.

Make sure you check the executor logs as well. There might be a
NullPointerException lurking somewhere in your logs.

met vriendelijke groeten, Gerard.

PS: spark-dev (d...@spark.apache.org) is for discussions about open source
development of the Spark project.
For general questions like this, use the user's  mailing list (
user@spark.apache.org)  (note that I changed that address in the to: )

On Thu, Jul 19, 2018 at 12:51 PM Christiaan Ras <
christiaan....@semmelwise.nl> wrote:

> I use the state function flatmapgroupswithstate to track state of a kafka
> stream. To further customize the state function I like to use a static
> datasource (JDBC) in the state function. This datasource contains data I
> like to join with the stream (as Iterator) within flatmapgroupswithstate.
> When I try to access the JDBC source within flatmapgroupswithstate Spark
> execution freezes without any Exceptions or logging.
> To verify the JDBC connection works, I also tried to access the source
> outside the state function and that works. So now I join the static source
> with streaming source before feeding it to flatmapgroupswithstate. It seems
> to work so far…
> Any ideas why accessing the JDBC source within flatmapgroupswithstate
> could fail (freezes Spark execution)? Is it wise to use external
> datasources within flatmapgroupswithstate?
> Thanks,
> Chris

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