Hi All,
I was going through this pull request about new CheckpointFileManager
abstraction in structured streaming coming in 2.4 :

I went through the code in detail and found it will indtroduce a very nice
abstraction which is much cleaner and extensible for Direct Writes File
System like S3 (in addition to current HDFS file system).

*But I am unable to understand, is it really solving some problem in
exsisting State Store code which is currently  existing in Spark 2.3 ? *

*My questions related to above statements in State Store code : *
 *PR description*:: "Checkpoint files must be written atomically such that *no
partial files are generated*.
*QUESTION*: When are partial files generated in current code ?  I can see
that data is first written to temp-delta file and then renamed to
version.delta file. If something bad happens, the task will fail due to
thrown exception and abort() will be called on store to close and delete
tempDeltaFileStream . I think it is quite clean, what is the case that
partial files might be generated ?

 *PR description*:: *State Store behavior is incorrect - HDFS FileSystem
implementation does not have atomic rename*"
*QUESTION*:  Hdfs filesystem rename operation is atomic, I think above line
takes into account about checking existing file if exists and then taking
appropriate action which together makes the file renaming operation
multi-steps and hence non-atomic. But why this behaviour is incorrect ?
Even if multiple executors try to write to the same version.delta file,
only 1st of them will succeed, the second one will see the file exists and
will delete its temp-delta file. Looks good .

Anything I am missing here?
Really curious to know which corner cases we are trying to solve by this
new pull request ?


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