You could also try to profile your program on the executor or driver by
using jvisualvm or yourkit to see if there is any memory/cpu optimization
you could do.

Nube Technologies <>


On Fri, Sep 7, 2018 at 6:35 PM, James Starks <
> wrote:

> Got the root cause eventually as it throws java.lang.OutOfMemoryError:
> Java heap space. Increasing --driver-memory temporarily fixes the problem.
> Thanks.
> ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
> On 7 September 2018 12:32 PM, Femi Anthony <>
> wrote:
> One way I would go about this would be to try running a,
> truncate=False) on a few columns before you try writing to parquet to
> force computation of newdf and see whether the hanging is occurring at that
> point or during the write. You may also try doing a newdf.count() as well.
> Femi
> On Fri, Sep 7, 2018 at 5:48 AM James Starks <>
> wrote:
>> I have a Spark job that reads from a postgresql (v9.5) table, and write
>> result to parquet. The code flow is not complicated, basically
>>     case class MyCaseClass(field1: String, field2: String)
>>     val df ="jdbc")...load()
>>     df.createOrReplaceTempView(...)
>>     val newdf = spark.sql("seslect field1, field2 from
>> mytable").as[MyCaseClass].map { row =>
>>       val fieldX = ... // extract something from field2
>>       (field1, fileldX)
>>     }.filter { ... /* filter out field 3 that's not valid */ }
>>     newdf.write.mode(...).parquet(destPath)
>> This job worked correct without a problem. But it's doesn't look working
>> ok (the job looks like hanged) when adding more fields. The refactored job
>> looks as below
>>     ...
>>     val newdf = spark.sql("seslect field1, field2, ... fieldN from
>> mytable").as[MyCaseClassWithMoreFields].map { row =>
>>         ...
>>         NewCaseClassWithMoreFields(...) // all fields plus fieldX
>>     }.filter { ... }
>>     newdf.write.mode(...).parquet(destPath)
>> Basically what the job does is extracting some info from one of a field
>> in db table, appends that newly extracted field to the original row, and
>> then dumps the whole new table to parquet.
>>     new filed + (original field1 + ... + original fieldN)
>>     ...
>>     ...
>> Records loaded by spark sql to spark job (before refactored) are around
>> 8MM, this remains the same, but when the refactored spark runs, it looks
>> hanging there without progress. The only output on the console is (there is
>> no crash, no exceptions thrown)
>>     WARN  HeartbeatReceiver:66 - Removing executor driver with no recent
>> heartbeats: 137128 ms exceeds timeout 120000 ms
>> Memory in top command looks like
>>     VIRT     RES     SHR        %CPU %MEM
>>     15.866g 8.001g  41.4m     740.3   25.6
>> The command used to  submit spark job is
>>     spark-submit --class ... --master local[*] --driver-memory 10g
>> --executor-memory 10g ... --files ... --driver-class-path ... <jar file>
>> ...
>> How can I debug or check which part of my code might cause the problem
>> (so I can improve it)?
>> Thanks
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