Severity: Low

Vendor: The Apache Software Foundation

Versions Affected:
1.3.x release branch and later, including master

Spark's Apache Maven-based build includes a convenience script, 'build/mvn',
that downloads and runs a zinc server to speed up compilation. This server
will accept connections from external hosts by default. A specially-crafted
request to the zinc server could cause it to reveal information in files
readable to the developer account running the build. Note that this issue
does not affect end users of Spark, only developers building Spark from
source code.

Spark users are not affected, as zinc is only a part of the build process.
Spark developers may simply use a local Maven installation's 'mvn' command
to build, and avoid running build/mvn and zinc.
Spark developers building actively-developed branches (2.2.x, 2.3.x, 2.4.x,
master) may update their branches to receive mitigations already patched
onto the build/mvn script.
Spark developers running zinc separately may include "-server" in
its command line, and consider additional flags like "-idle-timeout 30m" to
achieve similar mitigation.

Andre Protas, Apple Information Security


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