Why does it have to be a stream?

> Am 18.11.2018 um 23:29 schrieb Nicolas Paris <nicolas.pa...@riseup.net>:
> Hi
> I have pdf to load into spark with at least <filename, byte_array>
> format. I have considered some options:
> - spark streaming does not provide a native file stream for binary with
>  variable size (binaryRecordStream specifies a constant size) and I
>  would have to write my own receiver.
> - Structured streaming allows to process avro/parquet/orc files
>  containing pdfs, but this makes things more complicated than
>  monitoring a simple folder  containing pdfs
> - Kafka is not designed to handle messages > 100KB, and for this reason
>  it is not a good option to use in the stream pipeline.
> Somebody has a suggestion ?
> Thanks,
> -- 
> nicolas
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