>From my initial impression it looks like I'd need to create my own
`from_json` using `jsonToStructs` as a reference but try to handle `
case : BadRecordException => null ` or similar to try to write the non
matching string to a corrupt records column

On Wed, Dec 26, 2018 at 1:55 PM Colin Williams
<colin.williams.seat...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to figure out how I can write records that don't match a
> json read schema via spark structred streaming to an output sink /
> parquet location. Previously I did this in batch via corrupt column
> features of batch. But in this spark structured streaming I'm reading
> from kafka a string and using from_json on the value of that string.
> If it doesn't match my schema then I from_json returns null for all
> the rows, and does not populate a corrupt record column. But I want to
> somehow obtain the source kafka string in a dataframe, and an write to
> a output sink / parquet location.
> def getKafkaEventDataFrame(rawKafkaDataFrame: DataFrame, schema: StructType) 
> = {
>   val jsonDataFrame = rawKafkaDataFrame.select(col("value").cast("string"))
>   jsonDataFrame.select(from_json(col("value"),
> schema)).select("jsontostructs(value).*")
> }

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