Hi, Denis.

It should be a String. Even if it looks like a number when you do hadoop fs
-ls ..., it's a String representation of a date/time.


On Thu, Jan 10, 2019 at 2:00 PM ddebarbieux <ddebarbi...@norsys.fr> wrote:

> cala> spark.read.schema(StructType(Seq(StructField("_1",StringType,false),
> StructField("_2",StringType,true)))).parque ("hdfs://---/MY_DIRECTORY/
> *_1=201812030900*").show()
> +----+--------------------+
> |  _1|                  _2|
> +----+--------------------+
> |null|ba1ca2dc033440125...|
> |null|ba1ca2dc033440125...|
> |null|ba1ca2dc033440125...|
> Is the column '_1' a String or a Number?
> Denis

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