Read the link carefully,

This solution is available (*only*) in Databricks Runtime.

You can enable RockDB-based state management by setting the following
configuration in the SparkSession before starting the streaming query.


On Sun, 10 Mar 2019 at 11:54, Lian Jiang <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a very simple SSS pipeline which does:
> val query = df
>   .dropDuplicates(Array("Id", "receivedAt"))
>   .withColumn(timePartitionCol, timestamp_udfnc(col("receivedAt")))
>   .writeStream
>   .format("parquet")
>   .partitionBy("availabilityDomain", timePartitionCol)
>   .trigger(Trigger.ProcessingTime(5, TimeUnit.MINUTES))
>   .option("path", "/data")
>   .option("checkpointLocation", "/data_checkpoint")
>   .start()
> After ingesting 2T records, the state under checkpoint folder on HDFS 
> (replicator factor 2) grows to 2T bytes.
> My cluster has only 2T bytes which means the cluster can barely handle 
> further data growth.
> Online spark documents 
> (
> says using rocksdb help SSS job reduce JVM memory overhead. But I cannot find 
> any document how
> to setup rocksdb for SSS. Spark class CheckpointReader seems to only handle 
> Any suggestions? Thanks!

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