Consider the following *intended* sql:

select row_number()
  over (partition by Origin order by OnTimeDepPct desc) OnTimeDepRank,*
  from flights

This will *not* work in *structured streaming* : The culprit is:

 partition by Origin

The requirement is to use a timestamp-typed field such as

 partition by flightTime

Tathagata Das (core committer for *spark streaming*) - replies on that in a
nabble thread:

 The traditional SQL windows with `over` is not supported in streaming.
Only time-based windows, that is, `window("timestamp", "10 minutes")` is
supported in streaming

*W**hat then* for my query above - which *must* be based on the *Origin* field?
What is the closest equivalent to that query? Or what would be a workaround
or different approach to achieve same results?

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