
> val referenceFiltered = dataset2.filter(.dataDate ==
> .withColumn("new_column",lit(referenceFiltered))

That won't work since lit is a function (adapter) to convert Scala values
to Catalyst expressions.

Unless I'm mistaken, in your case, what you really need is to replace
`withColumn` with `select("id")` itself and you're done.

When I'm writing this (I'm saying exactly what you actually have already)
and I'm feeling confused.

Jacek Laskowski
The Internals of Spark SQL https://bit.ly/spark-sql-internals
The Internals of Spark Structured Streaming
The Internals of Apache Kafka https://bit.ly/apache-kafka-internals
Follow me at https://twitter.com/jaceklaskowski

On Sat, Jun 8, 2019 at 6:05 AM anbutech <anbutec...@outlook.com> wrote:

> Hi Sir,
> Could you please advise to fix the below issue in the withColumn in the
> spark 2.2 scala 2.11 joins
> def processing(spark:SparkSession,
> dataset1:Dataset[Reference],
> dataset2:Dataset[DataCore],
> dataset3:Dataset[ThirdPartyData] ,
> dataset4:Dataset[OtherData]
> date:String):Dataset[DataMerge] {
> val referenceFiltered = dataset2.filter(.dataDate ==
> date).filter.someColumn).select("id").toString
> dataset1.as("t1)
> join(dataset3.as("t2"),
> col(t1.col1) === col(t2.col1), JOINTYPE.Inner )
> .join(dataset4.as("t3"), col(t3.col1) === col(t1.col1),
> .withColumn("new_column",lit(referenceFiltered))
> .selectexpr(
> "id", -------------------> want to get this value
> "column1,
> "column2,
> "column3",
> "column4" )
> }
> how do i get the String value ,let say the value"124567"
> ("referenceFiltered") inside the withColumn?
> im getting the withColumn output as "id:BigInt" . I want to get the same
> value for all the records.
> Note:
> I have asked not use cross join in the code. Any other way to fix this
> issue.
> --
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