It really depends on the use case. Bucketing is storing the data already 
hash-partitioned. So, if you frequently perform aggregations or joins on the 
bucketing column(s) then it can save you a shuffle. You need to keep in mind 
that for joins to completely avoid a shuffle both tables would need to have the 
same bucketing.

Sorting the data may help with filtering assuming you’re using a file format 
like Parquet (e.g. if you frequently filter by account id). If you look at 
slide 11 in this talk I gave at Summit you can see a simple example:

From: Gourav Sengupta <>
Date: Wednesday, July 10, 2019 at 3:14 AM
To: Silvio Fiorito <>
Cc: Arwin Tio <>, "" 
Subject: Re: Parquet 'bucketBy' creates a ton of files

yeah makes sense, also is there any massive performance improvement using 
bucketBy in comparison to sorting?


On Thu, Jul 4, 2019 at 1:34 PM Silvio Fiorito 
<<>> wrote:
You need to first repartition (at a minimum by bucketColumn1) since each task 
will write out the buckets/files. If the bucket keys are distributed randomly 
across the RDD partitions, then you will get multiple files per bucket.

From: Arwin Tio <<>>
Date: Thursday, July 4, 2019 at 3:22 AM
To: "<>" 
Subject: Parquet 'bucketBy' creates a ton of files

I am trying to use Spark's **bucketBy** feature on a pretty large dataset.

    .bucketBy(500, bucketColumn1, bucketColumn2)
    .option("path", "s3://my-bucket")

The problem is that my Spark cluster has about 500 partitions/tasks/executors 
(not sure the terminology), so I end up with files that look like:




That's 500x500=250000 bucketed parquet files! It takes forever for the 
`FileOutputCommitter` to commit that to S3.

Is there a way to generate **one file per bucket**, like in Hive? Or is there a 
better way to deal with this problem? As of now it seems like I have to choose 
between lowering the parallelism of my cluster (reduce number of writers) or 
reducing the parallelism of my parquet files (reduce number of buckets), which 
will lower the parallelism of my downstream jobs.


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