
Maybe you can look at the spark ui. The physical plan has no time consuming information.

在 2019/8/13 下午10:45, Marcelo Valle 写道:

I have a job running on AWS EMR. It's basically a join between 2 tables (parquet files on s3), one somehow large (around 50 gb) and other small (less than 1gb). The small table is the result of other operations, but it was a dataframe with `.persist(StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER)` and the count on this dataframe finishes quickly. When I run my "LEFT_ANTI" join, I get the execution plan down bellow. While most of my jobs on larges amount of data take max 1 h on this cluster, this one takes almost 1 day to complete.

What could I be doing wrong? I am trying to analyze the plan, but I can't find anything that justify the slowness. It has 2 shuffles followed by a zip, but other jobs have similar things and they are not that slow.

Could anyone point me to possible actions I could take to investigate this?


== Physical Plan ==
*(2) Project [USAGE_AGGREGATED_METADATA_ID#1493, SENDER_RECORDING_IDENTIFIER#1499, AIP127258 AS SENDER_IP_ID#1702, USAGE_AGGREGATED_METADATA_HASH#1513] +- *(2) BroadcastHashJoin [coalesce(USAGE_AGGREGATED_METADATA_ID#1493, ), coalesce(SENDER_RECORDING_IDENTIFIER#1499, )], [coalesce(USAGE_AGGREGATED_METADATA_ID#356, ), coalesce(SENDER_RECORDING_IDENTIFIER#357, )], LeftAnti, BuildRight, ((USAGE_AGGREGATED_METADATA_ID#356 <=> USAGE_AGGREGATED_METADATA_ID#1493) && (SENDER_RECORDING_IDENTIFIER#357 <=> SENDER_RECORDING_IDENTIFIER#1499))    :- InMemoryTableScan [USAGE_AGGREGATED_METADATA_ID#1493, SENDER_RECORDING_IDENTIFIER#1499, USAGE_AGGREGATED_METADATA_HASH#1513]    :     +- InMemoryRelation [USAGE_AGGREGATED_METADATA_ID#1493, ISRC#1494, ISWC#1495, RECORDING_TITLE#1496, RECORDING_DISPLAY_ARTIST#1497, WORK_WRITERS#1498, SENDER_RECORDING_IDENTIFIER#1499, RECORDING_VERSION_TITLE#1500, WORK_TITLE#1501, CONTENT_TYPE#1502, USAGE_AGGREGATED_METADATA_HASH#1513], StorageLevel(disk, memory, 1 replicas)    :           +- *(2) Project [ID#328 AS USAGE_AGGREGATED_METADATA_ID#1493, isrc#289 AS ISRC#1494, iswc#290 AS ISWC#1495, track_name#291 AS RECORDING_TITLE#1496, artist_name#292 AS RECORDING_DISPLAY_ARTIST#1497, work_writer_names#293 AS WORK_WRITERS#1498, uri#286 AS SENDER_RECORDING_IDENTIFIER#1499, null AS RECORDING_VERSION_TITLE#1500, null AS WORK_TITLE#1501, SOUND AS CONTENT_TYPE#1502, UDF(array(isrc#289, track_name#291, null, artist_name#292, iswc#290, null, work_writer_names#293, SOUND)) AS USAGE_AGGREGATED_METADATA_HASH#1513]    :              +- *(2) BroadcastHashJoin [coalesce(isrc_1#1419, ), coalesce(iswc_1#1420, ), coalesce(track_name_1#1421, ), coalesce(artist_name_1#1422, ), coalesce(work_writer_names_1#1423, )], [coalesce(isrc#289, ), coalesce(iswc#290, ), coalesce(track_name#291, ), coalesce(artist_name#292, ), coalesce(work_writer_names#293, )], Inner, BuildLeft, (((((isrc#289 <=> isrc_1#1419) && (iswc#290 <=> iswc_1#1420)) && (track_name#291 <=> track_name_1#1421)) && (artist_name#292 <=> artist_name_1#1422)) && (work_writer_names#293 <=> work_writer_names_1#1423))    :                 :- BroadcastExchange HashedRelationBroadcastMode(List(coalesce(input[1, string, true], ), coalesce(input[2, string, true], ), coalesce(input[3, string, true], ), coalesce(input[4, string, true], ), coalesce(input[5, string, true], )))    :                 :  +- *(1) Project [ID#328, isrc#289 AS isrc_1#1419, iswc#290 AS iswc_1#1420, track_name#291 AS track_name_1#1421, artist_name#292 AS artist_name_1#1422, work_writer_names#293 AS work_writer_names_1#1423]
   :                 :     +- *(1) Filter isnotnull(ID#328)
   :                 :        +- InMemoryTableScan [ID#328, artist_name#292, isrc#289, iswc#290, track_name#291, work_writer_names#293], [isnotnull(ID#328)]    :                 :              +- InMemoryRelation [ID#328, isrc#289, iswc#290, track_name#291, artist_name#292, work_writer_names#293], StorageLevel(disk, memory, 1 replicas)    :                 :                    +- *(2) Project [ID#328, isrc#289, iswc#290, track_name#291, artist_name#292, work_writer_names#293]    :                 :                       +- *(2) BroadcastHashJoin [coalesce(ISRC#329, ), coalesce(ISWC#330, ), coalesce(RECORDING_TITLE#331, ), coalesce(RECORDING_DISPLAY_ARTIST#332, ), coalesce(WORK_WRITERS#333, )], [coalesce(isrc#289, ), coalesce(iswc#290, ), coalesce(track_name#291, ), coalesce(substring(artist_name#292, 0, 1000), ), coalesce(work_writer_names#293, )], RightOuter, BuildLeft, (((((isrc#289 <=> ISRC#329) && (iswc#290 <=> ISWC#330)) && (track_name#291 <=> RECORDING_TITLE#331)) && (substring(artist_name#292, 0, 1000) <=> RECORDING_DISPLAY_ARTIST#332)) && (work_writer_names#293 <=> WORK_WRITERS#333))    :                 :                          :- BroadcastExchange HashedRelationBroadcastMode(List(coalesce(input[1, string, true], ), coalesce(input[2, string, true], ), coalesce(input[3, string, true], ), coalesce(input[4, string, true], ), coalesce(input[5, string, true], )))    :                 :                          :  +- *(1) Project [ID#328, ISRC#329, ISWC#330, RECORDING_TITLE#331, RECORDING_DISPLAY_ARTIST#332, WORK_WRITERS#333]    :                 :                          :     +- *(1) Filter ((isnull(WORK_TITLE#334) && isnull(RECORDING_VERSION_TITLE#335)) && (CONTENT_TYPE#336 <=> SOUND))    :                 :                          :        +- *(1) FileScan parquet [ID#328,ISRC#329,ISWC#330,RECORDING_TITLE#331,RECORDING_DISPLAY_ARTIST#332,WORK_WRITERS#333,WORK_TITLE#334,RECORDING_VERSION_TITLE#335,CONTENT_TYPE#336] Batched: true, Format: Parquet, Location: InMemoryFileIndex[file:/Users/marcelo.valle/git/amra-cloud-usage-ingestion/target/test-classes/ua..., PartitionFilters: [], PushedFilters: [IsNull(WORK_TITLE), IsNull(RECORDING_VERSION_TITLE), EqualNullSafe(CONTENT_TYPE,SOUND)], ReadSchema: struct<ID:string,ISRC:string,ISWC:string,RECORDING_TITLE:string,RECORDING_DISPLAY_ARTIST:string,W...    :                 :                          +- *(2) FileScan parquet [isrc#289,iswc#290,track_name#291,artist_name#292,work_writer_names#293] Batched: true, Format: Parquet, Location: InMemoryFileIndex[file:/Users/marcelo.valle/git/amra-cloud-usage-ingestion/target/test-classes/ua..., PartitionFilters: [], PushedFilters: [], ReadSchema: struct<isrc:string,iswc:string,track_name:string,artist_name:string,work_writer_names:string>    :                 +- *(2) FileScan parquet [uri#286,isrc#289,iswc#290,track_name#291,artist_name#292,work_writer_names#293] Batched: true, Format: Parquet, Location: InMemoryFileIndex[file:/Users/marcelo.valle/git/amra-cloud-usage-ingestion/target/test-classes/ua..., PartitionFilters: [], PushedFilters: [], ReadSchema: struct<uri:string,isrc:string,iswc:string,track_name:string,artist_name:string,work_writer_names:...    +- BroadcastExchange HashedRelationBroadcastMode(List(coalesce(input[0, string, true], ), coalesce(input[1, string, true], )))       +- *(1) FileScan parquet [USAGE_AGGREGATED_METADATA_ID#356,SENDER_RECORDING_IDENTIFIER#357] Batched: true, Format: Parquet, Location: InMemoryFileIndex[file:/Users/marcelo.valle/git/amra-cloud-usage-ingestion/target/test-classes/ua..., PartitionFilters: [], PushedFilters: [], ReadSchema: struct<USAGE_AGGREGATED_METADATA_ID:string,SENDER_RECORDING_IDENTIFIER:string>

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