Honestly I'd recommend you to spend you time to look into the issue, via
taking memory dump per some interval and compare differences (at least
share these dump files to community with redacting if necessary).
Otherwise someone has to try to reproduce without reproducer and even
couldn't reproduce even they spent their time. Memory leak issue is not
really easy to reproduce, unless it leaks some objects without any

- Jungtaek Lim (HeartSaVioR)

On Sun, Oct 20, 2019 at 7:18 PM Paul Wais <paulw...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear List,
> I've observed some sort of memory leak when using pyspark to run ~100
> jobs in local mode.  Each job is essentially a create RDD -> create DF
> -> write DF sort of flow.  The RDD and DFs go out of scope after each
> job completes, hence I call this issue a "memory leak."  Here's
> pseudocode:
> ```
> row_rdds = []
> for i in range(100):
>   row_rdd = spark.sparkContext.parallelize([{'a': i} for i in range(1000)])
>   row_rdds.append(row_rdd)
> for row_rdd in row_rdds:
>   df = spark.createDataFrame(row_rdd)
>   df.persist()
>   print(df.count())
>   df.write.save(...) # Save parquet
>   df.unpersist()
>   # Does not help:
>   # del df
>   # del row_rdd
> ```
> In my real application:
>  * rows are much larger, perhaps 1MB each
>  * row_rdds are sized to fit available RAM
> I observe that after 100 or so iterations of the second loop (each of
> which creates a "job" in the Spark WebUI), the following happens:
>  * pyspark workers have fairly stable resident and virtual RAM usage
>  * java process eventually approaches resident RAM cap (8GB standard)
> but virtual RAM usage keeps ballooning.
> Eventually the machine runs out of RAM and the linux OOM killer kills
> the java process, resulting in an "IndexError: pop from an empty
> deque" error from py4j/java_gateway.py .
> Does anybody have any ideas about what's going on?  Note that this is
> local mode.  I have personally run standalone masters and submitted a
> ton of jobs and never seen something like this over time.  Those were
> very different jobs, but perhaps this issue is bespoke to local mode?
> Emphasis: I did try to del the pyspark objects and run python GC.
> That didn't help at all.
> pyspark 2.4.4 on java 1.8 on ubuntu bionic (tensorflow docker image)
> 12-core i7 with 16GB of ram and 22GB swap file (swap is *on*).
> Cheers,
> -Paul
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