Zeppelin is not an IDE but a notebook.  It is helpful to experiment but it is 
missing a lot of the features that we expect from an IDE.

Thanks for sharing though. 

---- On Tue, 07 Apr 2020 04:45:33 -0400 zahidr1...@gmail.com wrote ----

When I first logged on I asked if there was a suitable IDE for Spark.
I did get a couple of responses.


I did actually find one which is suitable IDE for spark.

That is  Apache Zeppelin.

One of many reasons it is suitable for Apache Spark is.
The  up and running Stage which involves typing bin/zeppelin-daemon.sh start
Go to browser and type http://localhost:8080

That's it!

Then to
Hit the ground running 

There are also ready to go Apache Spark examples
showing off the type of functionality one will be using in real life production.

Zeppelin comes with  embedded Apache Spark  and scala as default interpreter 
with 20 + interpreters.
I have gone on to discover there are a number of other advantages for real time 
environment with Zeppelin offered up by other Apache Products.

♡۶Java♡۶RMI ♡۶
Make Use Method {MUM}

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