Hi Jorge,

Thank you. This union function is better alternative for my work.

Tanveer Ahmad

From: Jorge Machado <jom...@me.com>
Sent: Monday, May 25, 2020 3:56:04 PM
To: Tanveer Ahmad - EWI
Cc: Spark Group
Subject: Re: Arrow RecordBatches/Pandas Dataframes to (Arrow enabled) Spark 
Dataframe conversion in streaming fashion

Hey, from what I know you can try to Union them df.union(df2)

Not sure if this is what you need

On 25. May 2020, at 13:53, Tanveer Ahmad - EWI 
<t.ah...@tudelft.nl<mailto:t.ah...@tudelft.nl>> wrote:

Hi all,

I need some help regarding Arrow RecordBatches/Pandas Dataframes to (Arrow 
enabled) Spark Dataframe conversions.
Here the example explains very well how to convert a single Pandas Dataframe to 
Spark Dataframe [1].

But in my case, some external applications are generating Arrow RecordBatches 
in my PySpark application in streaming fashion. Each time I receive an Arrow 
RB, I want to transfer/append it to a Spark Dataframe. So is it possible to 
create a Spark Dataframe initially from one Arrow RecordBatch and then start 
appending many other in-coming Arrow RecordBatches to that Spark Dataframe 
(like in streaming fashion)? Thanks!

I saw another example [2] in which all the Arrow RB are being converted to 
Spark Dataframe but my case is little bit different than this.

[1] https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/sql-pyspark-pandas-with-arrow.html

Tanveer Ahmad

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