We are happy to announce that .NET for Apache Spark™ v0.12 has been released
<https://github.com/dotnet/spark/releases>! Thanks to the community for the
great feedback. The release note
includes the full list of features/improvements of this release.

Here are the some of the highlights:

   - Ability to write UDFs using complex types such as Row, Array, Map,
   Date, Timestamp, etc.
   - Ability to write UDFs using .NET DataFrame
   (backed by Apache Arrow)
   - Enhanced structured streaming support with ForeachBatch/Foreach APIs
   - .NET binding for Delta Lake <https://github.com/delta-io/delta> v0.6
   and Hyperspace <https://github.com/microsoft/hyperspace> v0.1
   - Support for Apache Spark™ 2.4.6 (3.0 support is on the way!)
   - SparkSession.CreateDataFrame, Broadcast variable
   - Preliminary support for MLLib (TF-IDF, Word2Vec, Bucketizer, etc.)
   - Support for .NET Core 3.1

We would like to thank all those who contributed to this release.

Terry Kim on behalf of the .NET for Apache Spark™ team

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