Hi All,

I have a Spark streaming application (2.4.4, Kafka 0.8 >> so Spark Direct
Streaming) running just fine.

I create a context in the following way:

ssc = StreamingContext(sc, 60) opts =
{"metadata.broker.list":kafka_hosts,"auto.offset.reset": "largest",
     "group.id": run_type}
kvs = KafkaUtils.createDirectStream(ssc, [topic_listen], opts)

lines = kvs.map(lambda row: row[1]) lines.foreachRDD(streaming_app)

The streaming app at a high level does this:

   - processes incoming batch
   - unions to the dataframe from the previous batch and aggregates them

Currently, I use checkpointing explicitly (df = df.checkpoint()) to
optimise the lineage. Although this is quite an expensive exercise and was
wondering if there is a better way to do this.

I tried to disable this explicit checkpointing, as I have a periodical
checkpointing (kvs.checkpoint(120) ) so I thought that the lineage will be
kept to that checkpointed RDD. Although in reality that is not the case and
processing keeps increasing over time.

Am I doing something inherently wrong? Is there a better way of doing this?


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