Hi Wim,

This is an issue DEV/OPS face all the time. Cannot access the internet
behind the company firewall. There is Nexus
<https://www.sonatype.com/nexus/repository-pro> for this that manages
dependencies with usual load times in seconds. However, only authorised
accounts can request it through a service account. I concur it is messy.


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On Wed, 21 Oct 2020 at 06:34, Wim Van Leuven <wim.vanleu...@highestpoint.biz>

> Sean,
> Problem with the -packages is that in enterprise settings security might
> not allow the data environment to link to the internet or even the internal
> proxying artefect repository.
> Also, wasn't uberjars an antipattern? For some reason I don't like them...
> Kind regards
> -wim
> On Wed, 21 Oct 2020 at 01:06, Mich Talebzadeh <mich.talebza...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Thanks again all.
>> Anyway as Nicola suggested I used the trench war approach to sort this
>> out by just using jars and working out their dependencies in ~/.ivy2/jars
>> directory using grep -lRi <missing> :)
>> This now works with just using jars (new added ones in grey) after
>> resolving the dependencies
>> ${SPARK_HOME}/bin/spark-submit \
>>                 --master yarn \
>>                 --deploy-mode client \
>>                 --conf spark.executor.memoryOverhead=3000 \
>>                 --class org.apache.spark.repl.Main \
>>                 --name "my own Spark shell on Yarn" "$@" \
>>                 --driver-class-path /home/hduser/jars/ddhybrid.jar \
>>                 --jars /home/hduser/jars/spark-bigquery-latest.jar, \
>>                        /home/hduser/jars/ddhybrid.jar, \
>>  /home/hduser/jars/com.google.http-client_google-http-client-1.24.1.jar, \
>> /home/hduser/jars/com.google.http-client_google-http-client-jackson2-1.24.1.jar,
>> \
>>  /home/hduser/jars/com.google.cloud.bigdataoss_util-1.9.4.jar, \
>>  /home/hduser/jars/com.google.api-client_google-api-client-1.24.1.jar, \
>> /home/hduser/jars/com.google.oauth-client_google-oauth-client-1.24.1.jar, \
>> /home/hduser/jars/com.google.apis_google-api-services-bigquery-v2-rev398-1.24.1.jar,
>> \
>> /home/hduser/jars/com.google.cloud.bigdataoss_bigquery-connector-0.13.4-hadoop2.jar,
>> \
>>                        /home/hduser/jars/spark-bigquery_2.11-0.2.6.jar \
>> Compared to using the package itself as before
>> ${SPARK_HOME}/bin/spark-submit \
>>                 --master yarn \
>>                 --deploy-mode client \
>>                 --conf spark.executor.memoryOverhead=3000 \
>>                 --class org.apache.spark.repl.Main \
>>                 --name "my own Spark shell on Yarn" "$@" \
>>                 --driver-class-path /home/hduser/jars/ddhybrid.jar \
>>                 --jars /home/hduser/jars/spark-bigquery-latest.jar, \
>>                        /home/hduser/jars/ddhybrid.jar \
>>                 --packages com.github.samelamin:spark-bigquery_2.11:0.2.6
>> I think as Sean suggested this approach may or may not work (a manual
>> process) and if jars change, the whole thing has to be re-evaluated adding
>> to the complexity.
>> Cheers
>> On Tue, 20 Oct 2020 at 23:01, Sean Owen <sro...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Rather, let --packages (via Ivy) worry about them, because they tell Ivy
>>> what they need.
>>> There's no 100% guarantee that conflicting dependencies are resolved in
>>> a way that works in every single case, which you run into sometimes when
>>> using incompatible libraries, but yes this is the point of --packages and
>>> Ivy.
>>> On Tue, Oct 20, 2020 at 4:43 PM Mich Talebzadeh <
>>> mich.talebza...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Thanks again all.
>>>> Hi Sean,
>>>> As I understood from your statement, you are suggesting just use
>>>> --packages without worrying about individual jar dependencies?

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