It's not really a Spark question. .toDF() takes column names. but it's not clear what you mean the col
names to be

On Fri, Dec 18, 2020 at 8:37 AM Vikas Garg <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Can someone please help me how to convert Seq[Any] to Seq[String]
> For line
> val df = row.toSeq.toDF(newCol.toSeq: _*)
> I get that error message.
> I converted Map "val aMap = Map("admit" -> ("description","comments"))"
> to Seq
> var atrb = ListBuffer[(String,String,String)]()
> for((key,value) <- aMap){
>   atrb += ((key, value._1, value._2))
> }
> var newCol = atrb.head.productIterator.toList.toSeq
> Please someone help me on this.
> Thanks

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