Could you please clarify what do you mean by 1)? Driver is only responsible for submitting Spark job, not performing.

-- ND

On 1/9/21 9:35 AM, András Kolbert wrote:
I would like to get your advice on my use case.
I have a few spark streaming applications where I need to keep updating a dataframe after each batch. Each batch probably affects a small fraction of the dataframe (5k out of 200k records).

The options I have been considering so far:
1) keep dataframe on the driver, and update that after each batch
2) keep dataframe distributed, and use checkpointing to mitigate lineage

I solved previous use cases with option 2, but I am not sure if it is the most optimal as checkpointing is relatively expensive. I also wondered about HBASE or some sort of quick access memory storage, however it is currently not in my stack.

Curious to hear your thoughts


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