Presto has slightly lower latency than Spark, but I've found that it gets stuck 
on some edge cases. 

If you are on AWS, then the simplest solution is to use Athena. Athena is built 
on Presto, has a JDBC driver, and is serverless, so you don't have to take any 

On 2/18/21, 3:32 PM, "Scott Ribe" <> wrote:

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    > On Feb 18, 2021, at 12:52 PM, Jeff Evans <> 
    > It sounds like the tool you're after, then, is a distributed SQL engine 
like Presto.  But I could be totally misunderstanding what you're trying to do.

    Presto may well be a longer-term solution as our use grows. For now, a 
simple data set loaded into spark and served via JDBC (to be accessed via a 
Postgres foreign data wrapper) will get us the next small step.
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